01 May, 23

Summer vehicle maintenance tips to help you avoid a breakdown

Summer and winter driving are very different, with the main distinctions being extreme heat and harsh light. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of essential Summer vehicle maintenance tips for you.

Your summer road trip maintenance suggestions

Check your cooling system to ensure that all fans are operational. When it comes to overheating—for both passengers and engines — you must ensure that your vehicle is operating properly. A leaking cooling system might cause immediate engine harm. A seized engine might result in costly repairs or perhaps the end of your vehicle’s life.

Examine your fan belt

When it comes to keeping your engine cool, your fan belt is a critical component. Your cooling fan is designed to run only when needed, so make sure it operates properly as the seasons change from winter to summer.

Is your convertible’s roof still open and closed as it should be?

What’s the point of having a soft top in the summer if you can’t close it?

Always make sure your spare tyre is inflated and operating

Too many drivers get a flat tire only to discover that the spare isn’t available or in good enough condition to use. Putting on extra kilometers over the summer means you’re more likely to get a flat—so make sure you’re prepared.

Check all fluid levels, tyre pressures and fuel levels to ensure you have enough to get where you’re going

It sounds simple, but we take our cars for granted much too often. All drivers should include these fundamentals in their daily driving checklist. Yet, far too frequently, we fail to check them before long journeys or vacation driving. Screenwashing is a particular summer source of worry. With all the flies and bugs on the windshield and little possibility of rain to wipe them away, make sure you’re well hydrated. It’s also a good idea to have a reserve quantity on hand.
Check that all of the lights and electrics are in working order.
Replace any bulbs that aren’t working, including fog lights and indicators, and make sure all of your car’s fuses are in good working order.

Most common reasons of your car’s summer breakdowns

According to the RAC, the following are the most common causes of breakdowns during the summer months.

Battery problems

Even though your car battery needs to work considerably harder in the winter, the summer months might place a distinct demand on it.
Stop-and-start activities during short trips or traffic jams will strain your battery. Additional entertainment gadgets and overworking your car’s electrical functions will place additional demands on the battery and drain it. If your battery does not have enough opportunities to restore its power levels, it may malfunction.

Tyre issues

A long-distance trip to a vacation destination could exacerbate previously unknown problems.
When subjected to more severe use, cracked and old rubber in your tyres may fail, especially on hot summer roads.
Check all tyres, including spares and those on caravans and trailers.
A blowout in the middle of a busy highway is the last thing you want to happen.

Failure of the clutch

In the summer, your clutch takes a beating. The extra stop-start driving, hills, and unknown roads all add to the wear and tear on your clutch.
Towing a caravan or trailer will put additional strain on your clutch, so make sure they’re properly mounted and loaded.


Because your alternator is directly accountable for the battery’s power level, whenever demand is put on the battery, it is also added to the alternator.
Keep an eye out for a red battery warning light on your dashboard. It could be an indication that your battery’s power level is teetering on the edge of the required level and not receiving enough power to recharge.

A few more summer driving advice

What you shouldn’t be concerned about

There are a few warning indications that appear to be problems but are actually standard operating procedures.
1- Due to condensed water emissions, your air conditioning unit will frequently produce small pools of water under your automobile.
2- Again, water vapour from your air conditioning could appear like smoke coming out of your air vents. It could simply be water that hasn’t had time to condense. Unless it has a particularly strong odour, it’s typically safe to ignore.
3- Another source of noise beneath the hood could be the cooling fan going on and off. It can be pretty loud when fully operational, so don’t be alarmed if it appears to be working harder than usual.
Your engine may deliver less power since the air is warmer and less dense. If the delivery is big, it is always worthwhile to have it inspected by a skilled technician.

Add-ons for every voyage

For each voyage, you should have all of the following items ready and available. It doesn’t hurt to have a summer vehicle maintenance tips checklist on available, just in case something has been removed and not replaced.

  • First-aid supplies
  • Extinguisher for fires
  • Can of spare fuel
  • Reserves of engine oil and water
  • Triangle of danger
  • Sunscreen, snacks, and beverages
  • Current maps or satellite navigation
  • In the event of a breakdown, wear high-visibility apparel.
  • Extra bulbs
  • Fully charged mobile phone
  • That’s all for today! We hope you had a good time reading Summer vehicle maintenance tips to help you avoid a breakdown

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