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Slow Puncture

Slow Puncture: What to do?

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Even the most alert drivers frequently take some time to notice that their car has slow puncture. Repairing or purchasing a new tyre is usually a nuisance, especially if we can convince ourselves that the tyre wasn’t actually damaged in the first place. The bad news is that… 

Telematics and Usage-Based Insurance

Telematics and Usage-Based Insurance: Revolutionizing the Insurance Industry

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Telematics, a portmanteau of telecommunications and informatics. It has emerged as a transformative force in the insurance industry, particularly through the implementation of Usage-Based Insurance (UBI). This technology combines telecommunications, data analysis, and real-time monitoring to provide insurers with valuable insights into individual policyholders’ driving behavior. This data-driven… 

Removing Paint Transfer

Maintaining Unique Finishes: Challenges in Removing Paint Transfer from Custom-Painted Cars

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Custom paint finishes lend cars an unparalleled aesthetic appeal, but maintaining their pristine look can be challenging, especially when faced with paint transfer. Unlike standard factory paints, these unique finishes demand specialized care and caution when addressing blemishes like paint transfer. Let’s delve into the intricate challenges and… 

Car's Paint

Preserving Brilliance: Comprehensive Guide to Caring for Your Car’s Paint

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A car’s paint isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s also a protective layer for your vehicle’s body. Regular maintenance not only keeps your car looking its best but also preserves its value. Here’s a comprehensive guide on caring for your car’s paint, offering tips and tricks to maintain that… 

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