17 Apr, 18

How To: Remove Scratches With T-Cut

Have you ever walked past your car and done a double-take because you’ve just noticed a scratch? And then you frantically rub over it, hoping it’s just a dirt smudge, but it remains.

Sometimes, the first thing that will come to your mind is if you can fix it yourself. Thankfully, there are many products out there that are specifically made for removing scratches, one popular one being T-Cut. Read on to find out the details of the product, including a step-by-step guide on how to use it!

What Is T-Cut Scratch Remover and what is it suitable for?

T-cut (primarily known as Tetrosyl Cutting Oil) is a solution used to remove scratches. It is sometimes referred to as a cutting paste or a rubbing compound, due to it being an abrasive material. Its purpose is to return the paintwork on a car back to its original condition. By removing slight surface scratches and scuffs.

Read more: T-Cut For Premium Vehicles – A Tailored Solution

Regardless of what type of car paintwork you have, T-cut can be used. For some additional uses, it is suitable for our boats, caravans and around the housework.

How To Use T-Cut Correctly

Step 1: An important action to ensure you carry out, is to thoroughly clean and dry the area of paint you are applying the T-Cut to, or else it could potentially damage the paintwork.

Step 2: Apply some gloves and double-check that you have a suitable applicator. A microfibre cloth (any other cloth could scratch the paintwork). Also, be sure that the cloth has not been dropped to the floor, as any dirt particles could cause damage to the paintwork. Now, apply the T-cut to the applicator.

Step 3: Rub the T-Cut over the scratch with a steady and firm hand, ensuring you move the cloth in a circular motion. Do not be alarmed if your clothes change colour, as it is only due to the top layer of paint coming off.

Step 4: After rubbing until the scratch is no longer visible. You should use a second clean microfibre cloth to wipe away any remaining solution.

Step 5: Due to the T-Cut remove the protective layer that coats the paintwork. It should be a priority to regularly wax the vehicle, to avoid it dulling and corroding.

Step 6: If you feel your whole car needs a paintwork restoration. You would have to ensure you are ready for the lengthy and strenuous task, as each section of your car would need to be treated separately. Also, it would require a more thorough after-care. The whole car would need to be waxed to prevent the paint from dulling.

Essentially, T-Cut is a good short-term solution, as it will primarily provide your car with a shine. Whilst also removing any light scratches or marks. But this is temporary, as the paint will eventually fade, so a longer-term solution would be a new paint job. For a car with dull and fading paintwork.

When Is T-Cut Not Suitable For Use?

  • Deeper Scratches: Whilst it is good for slight, surface scratches, it’s not as suitable for scratches that are deeply ingrained in the paintwork, either accidentally created by scraping against a wall or curb, or deliberately caused by a vandal (if your car is ‘keyed’).
  • If You Are Inexperienced With Repairs: You need some idea of what you are doing, as a simple mistake like using the wrong type of cloth, or using one that had accidentally fallen to the ground, can cause more harm than good. Furthermore, knowing when to stop rubbing the T-Cut on the scratch is essential, as overdoing it after the scratch is removed, could result in you revealing the metal beneath the paint.
  • If You Rush It Or Don’t Have Time For The Maintenance: As mentioned in step 4, you should always remove any excess product on the car, as it will be tough to remove any that was left over.

Which T-Cut should you use?

  • T-Cut Original Colour Restorer – Formula that restores the original colour and shines to paintwork.
  • T-Cut Colour Fast White – A form more suitable for lighter paintwork, mainly white cars.
  • T-Cut Colour Fast Black – A form more suitable for darker paintwork, mainly black cars.
  • T-Cut Metallic Colour Restorer – Less abrasive than T-Cut original, so it is more suited for sensitive paint finishes, specifically for metallic surfaces and pearlescent paintwork.
  • T-Cut Colour Fast – Removes minor scratches, scuffs and marks, all whilst adding colour, in one simple application.
  • T-Cut Polish – Removes surface oxidation, minor scratches and blemishes, whilst providing a shiny finish to your paintwork.

Questions That Are Often Asked

Is T-Cut safe to use?
It is safe when used correctly, and when precautionary measures are taken. You should always read the label on the bottle, as it will tell you that when using T-Cut, you need to wear appropriate gloves to avoid prolonged skin exposure, as it may result in dry and cracking skin. Furthermore, only use the product in areas that are ventilated, as vapours can cause lethargy and dizziness.

Is it suitable for window glass and plastic headlights?
Yes, by removing cloudiness from clear, plastic headlights, T-Cut can be used to restore headlight clarity, which will then result in the visibility of light to increase. This can also be applied to windows and plastic glass, which will enhance the clearness whilst adding a shine.

Can an excess of lacquer (clear protective coating) be removed?
An overuse of lacquer can be simply removed with the T-Cut original.

Can spray paint be removed?
Yes, spray paint can be removed from your car paintwork with the use of a little bit of T-Cut.

Read more: Restoring The Shine: T-Cut For Oxidized Paint Restoration

Have you found a few scratches on your paintwork that you’re itching to get removed, but don’t have the time or confidence to do yourself? Get in touch with Bodyteq today for a free estimate.

4 thoughts on “How To: Remove Scratches With T-Cut

  • Hi. We have a gallon of original T-cut that has thickened some over the years, what can it be thinned with?

    Thank you, John

    • Hey John
      Thanks for reaching out to us. Your enquiry has been forwarded to the relevant department and they will be contacting you soon.

  • My wife’s blue car accidently brushed against the rear nearside bumper of my silver car. There was no denting but Blue paint is visible in the minor scratches. I consulted Halfords who examined the damage and Recommended 3 in 1 T-cut Color Fast. I have made three Attempts to remedy in Accordance with the instructions on the bottle but without success, the faint blue marks remain! Please advise?

    • Hey Derrick!
      Thanks for reaching out. Your enquiry has been forwarded to the relevant department & they will reach out to you soon via email.

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